"I realized that I am a strong and independent woman and I am fully capable of raising my daughter full time".


Sharon biggest obstacle to overcome was when she was 26...

The hardest situation I’ve had to deal with in my life would be learning that I would have to raise my daughter as a single mother. Things with the father and i didn’t work out. I didn’t want to stay in a relationship that made me unhappy.

I realized that I am a strong and independent woman and I am fully capable of raising my daughter full time. My family whom I lived with at the time was there to support and help me. There were times that were hard, but with positive thinking, family and love I was able to move on to a better place.

Setting little and realistic goals at the time and meeting them made me see that everything will be more than ok. I am happy where I am now and the bond that my daughter and I have is the most special feeling in the world!!

Sharon's biggest inspiration is...

My biggest inspiration is my daughter !! She has shown and taught me so much as a single and first time mother. Children are a beautiful creation and even though they are so small, they have huge impact on lives. She has changed my life for the better as she has taught me what unconditional love is and she makes me want to be a better and more positive person !!

Sharon's biggest accomplishment was when she was 27...

My biggest accomplishment is finding out what I want do as a career. After having my daughter I realized how much I love children. I want to be able to help them learn and grow to their highest potential !! When my daughter turned 2 years old, I went back to school so I am able to teach children.

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ereglapo February 01, 2021

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